GFI Denmark


Om Green Finance Institute (GFI)

GFI er en non-for-profit, filantropisk finansieret organisation med formål at få privat finansiering til at bidrage til den grønne omstilling i det tempo og i den skala, som al forskning viser er nødvendig.

Vi arbejder med kommercielle aktører, men modtager ikke selv betaling for vores ydelser.

Det danske kontor er finansieret af The Laudes Foundation, Quadrature Climate Foundation og Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy.

GFI har hovedkvarter i London og kontorer i Europa og flere udviklingslande.

Vores ansatte, der typisk har en baggrund i bank-eller finanssektoren, bruger deres ekspertise til at skabe systemisk og strukturel forandring på sektorbasis.

Vi arbejder blandt andet med transport, natur, cleantech og bygge- og anlægssektoren. Derudover strukturerer vi carbonmarkeder, grønne statsobligationer, naturmarkeder og store grønne fonde.

Udover at arbejde med finansielle aktører, arbejder vi tæt sammen med regeringer rundt om i verden, med det fokus at gøre mest effektiv brug af offentlige midler, ofte til at tiltrække medfinansiering fra privat kapital gennem blended finance-mekanismer.




“The success of any climate or nature-positive action hinges on collaboration, coordination, and enhanced access to finance and technology; this typically requires capable platforms and convenings to act as bridges between corporations, sectors, governments, and funders. Our partnership with the Green Finance Institute is an example of the collaborative solutions that are vital to help us reach short-term climate targets and build a greener and safer future.”

Jens Nielsen

CEO and Founder, World Climate Foundation


"The SEB is fully committed to financing the green transition and we have a strong focus on furthering our sustainability work. We recognise the need for a central actor that can convene, inspire, and accelerate the work in the financial sector and so we are delighted that the Green Finance Institute has decided to establish themselves in Denmark. To address the immense challenges our planet is facing; we need a fundamental new way I of collaborating. The Green Finance Institute is known for working with the market and government to remove barriers to investment and co-develop innovative financial tools to increase the flow of capital into decarbonisation. We see great potential in applying that in Denmark and look forward supporting them in their work."

Lars Eibeholm

Global Head of Sustainable Debt Capital Markets, SEB


“There is a real willingness among financial institutions in Denmark to play a key role in the green transition, and the GFI will work with them and other stakeholders to develop, implement and scale innovative green finance mechanisms and remove barriers to investment to deliver change at the pace and scale that is needed. With construction and use of buildings responsible for 40 percent of Denmark’s overall energy consumption and 30 percent of CO2 emissions , decarbonising the built environment will be vital to achieve net zero.”

Signe Fosgaard

Director, The Green Finance Institute Denmark

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