Hybrid (home working / London office) – with potential international travel opportunities
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We recruit talented individuals who contribute to the diversity of our thinking, align with our mission and act as change-makers to challenge the status quo.
If there are currently no vacancies on this page, but you wish to be considered for future opportunities, please do get in touch: recruitment@gfi.green.
International Nature Lead
Start date:
Role: Fixed-term contract until March 2026
Reporting to: Programme Director, Nature Programmes
The GFI Nature team’s mission is to unlock private sector finance into nature-based solutions and nature restoration, and to support the transition of the global economy to one that values and invests in nature.
We work across the UK, supporting the development of a pipeline of nature-based projects; working with UK companies and the finance sector to unlock demand and capital and feed this into the creation of a supportive policy environment that unlocks revenue models, including through nature markets.
In 2024 we launched our international nature programme of work, Revenues for Nature (R4N), in partnership with UNEP FI and UNDP Biofin, and we are looking for an experienced individual to lead on this workstream and take it to the next level.
The mission of R4N is to replicate existing successful models that will help the signatories of the Global Biodiversity Framework in mobilising private sector and innovative finance to meet nature goals. The programme’s specific aims are:
- To curate decision-useful data and content on existing models and markets that move private sector capital into nature restoration and nature-based solutions.
- These include the development of detailed guidebooks for governments and corporates.
- To develop and run a community of practice bringing together governments, financial institutions, businesses and NGOs to share learning.
- To identify and work with governments or businesses in the replication and scaling of these models.
This role will be leading a three-person team within the broader GFI nature team and managing the project with large global partner organisations. You will be expected to grow the team and develop the programme.
You will gain exposure to a range of stakeholders including policy makers, project developers, development finance institutions, and the financial and corporate sector across (predominantly) developing countries. There will be the opportunity for international travel.
This role offers the opportunity to have global impact, collaborating with a range of stakeholders committed to nature-restoration and conservation nationally and internationally and we’re looking for a team member who will thrive in a dynamic environment where communication, organisational and networking skills, and focus on delivery are essential.
Applications close at 9am on 06 January 2025 Please submit your application to recruitment@gfi.green
Senior associate, grøn finansiering
København, hjemmearbejde/kontor – enkelte rejser til bl.a. London kontor Start dato:
Start date:
Role: 12 month fixed-term contract
Reporting to: Director, GFI Denmark
GFI tæller omkring 70 ansatte og har kontorer rundt om i verdenen, herunder København. Gennem et tæt samarbejde med vores internationale kollegaer søger vi at adressere strukturelle barrierer for, at grøn finansiering når frem til grønne aktiver.
I det danske kontor har vi særligt fokus på det byggede miljø, biodiversitet og cleantech investeringer, og arbejder tæt sammen med banker, realkreditinstitutter, pensionsselskaber, fonde og andre finansielle aktører.
Som senior associate vil du arbejde med nogle af de fremmeste eksperter indenfor grøn finansiering, og du vil derfor hurtigt udvide din finansielle værktøjskasse og din forståelse af markedet.
Vi arbejder hurtigt og virkelighedsforankret, og i tæt samarbejde med den finansielle sektor, så du vil indgå i et stærkt netværk af aktører der er villig til og i stand til at gøre en forskel. Du bliver en central del af vores team, og dine arbejdsopgaver vil udvikle sig og ændre sig løbende.
Vi er filantropisk finansieret og det betyder at vi har en unik mulighed for at kunne agere neutral broker i et marked der ellers er domineret af kommercielle interesser. Samtidig arbejder vi ud fra overbevisningen, at markedet skal med for at den grønne omstilling sker i det nødvendige tempo og i den nødvendige skala, og at markedet kun deltager hvis regulering og incitament strukturer er på plads. Derfor sker vores arbejde med kommercielle incitament strukturer som forudsætning.
Vores ultimative succesparameter er, at få grøn finansiering ud at møde grønne aktiver i markedet, og at pilotprojekter kan være med til at skubbe forandring i hele sektoren.
Vi er voted et af de bedste steder at arbejde i the UK i 2024 af The Sunday Times, og fokus i det danske kontor er også på medarbejder trivsel. Vi lægger vægt på at have en tæt dialog og en kultur hvor ingen spørgsmål er dumme. Vi forventer at du, ligesom resten af teamet, lægger dig i selen for at præstere dit allerbedste, og vi gør alt vi kan for at skabe de bedste forudsætninger for at du kan det. Vi hører meget gerne fra dig, om hvad der skal til, for at du præsterer optimalt og har det godt.
Vi har fysiske kontorer i SEB bygningen i København, men arbejder også ofte hjemme efter behov.
Applications close at 9am on 13 January 2025 Please submit your application to recruitment@gfi.green