Episode 10: Liv Garfield, Chief Executive, Severn Trent
Financing Nature is a podcast from GFI Hive showcasing practical solutions to mobilising private sector finance into the restoration of nature and nature-based solutions for a greener, more resilient and inclusive global economy.
Hosted by the Green Finance Institute’s Helen Avery, each episode features an interview with leading practitioners from finance and the environment discussing solutions happening across the globe to drive private capital into nature.
We also host Special Series such as our COP28 and COP15 episodes with UNEP, and our Farming Toolkit episodes.
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About the episode
About the episode
Episode 10: Liv Garfield, Chief Executive, Severn Trent
In this episode, Liv Garfield, CEO of Severn Trent, shares how the water company is approaching biodiversity including working with towns such as Mansfield, as well as farmer communities. As CEO of the Council for Sustainable Business, Liv also shares about the Get Nature Positive Campaign, and the business case for companies to reduce biodiversity loss.